Englinesian is on MyRODECast 2020: Procedural Text in Bahasa Indonesia

In this post, I would like to announce that Englinesian is on MyRODECast 2020 - A wonderful, the one and only, event for podcasters all around the globe. This is an effort made by Englinesian in order to enhance the quality of audio for you who are interested in learning Indonesian. Declare your support by visiting www.myrodecast.com, tap or click on LISTEN, find INDONESIA on “filter by country” menu, find Englinesian, and tap or click VOTE NOW.

In this post, you can learn some phrases and sentences; and implicitly learn structure through narrative - called procedural text - which tells your listeners or readers about sequential process to get things done in order. Procedural text, as you have known, is characterized by completing “first thing first”.

The English title of heading below should be “How to Support Englinesian in MyRODECast 2020” but the literal translation should be “The Way to Support Englinesian in MyRODECast 2020”.

Cara Mendukung Englinesian di MyRODECast 2020

  1. Akses laman www.myrodecast.com pada peramban web Anda 
  2. Klik “LISTEN” pada menu bagian atas dari laman tersebut 
  3. Temukan INDONESIA pada kolom “FILTER BY COUNTRY” 
  4. Temukan Englinesian 
  5. Klik “VOTE NOW” 
If those step-by-step items should be transformed into a paragraph, it would be like the following.

Pertama-tama, akses laman www.myrodecast.com pada peramban web gawai atau laptop Anda. Klik “LISTEN” pada menu bagian atas dari laman tersebut. Setelah laman terbuka sempurna, temukan INDONESIA pada kolom “FILTER BY COUNTRY”. Setelah laman terbuka sempurna, temukan ENGLINESIAN kemudian klik “VOTE NOW”. Masuk menggunakan akun Facebook Anda atau akun Google Anda untuk memilih. Terima kasih, Anda baru saja mendeklarasikan dukungan Anda terhadap Englinesian.

If the above paragraph is literally translated into English, it would be like the following.

Firstly, access www.myrodecast.com webpage on your web browser of your smart-phone or laptop. Click on “LISTEN” on upper menu bar of the webpage. After the webpage is loaded perfectly, find INDONESIA on “FILTER BY COUNTRY”. After the webpage is loaded perfectly, find ENGLINESIAN and click on “VOTE NOW”. Sign in with either your Facebook account or your Google account to vote. Thank you, you have just declared your support to Englinesian.
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