Diphtong in Bahasa Indonesia

In Bahasa Indonesia, there are 4 diphtongs recognized. Here they are:

Diphtong Sound (based on position) Example
Front Mid Rear Front Mid Rear
au aw_ _aw_ _aw Aula Taufik Harimau
ai - _aiy_ _aiy - Balairung Sungai
oi - _oiy_ _oiy - Boikot Amboi
ei eiy_ _eiy_ _eiy Eigendom Geiser Survey
Those are diphtongs which are officially recognized as written on grammar book. However, in order to ease you in reading Indonesian word (any word in Bahasa Indonesia), I (personally) add some more variations. Note that examples below contain names of person. They are listed to ease you with the pronunciation of word containing double-vocal letter.

Diphtong Sound (based on position) Example
Front Mid Rear Front Mid Rear
ua uwa_ _uwa_ _uwa Uang Petualang Tua
ia iya_ _iya_ _iya Ian Dian Widia
io iyo_ _iyo_ _iyo Ion Dion Rio
ie iye_ / ii_ _iye_ _iye / _ii Iyet / Ied Gabriel-
eo eyo_ _eyo_ _eyo - Gideon Beo

After reading this, you are highly suggested to read “Digraph in Bahasa Indonesia”.
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