If England has Brompton, Indonesia has Kreuz - folding bike which is made in Indonesia. This Indonesian-made folding bike looks like Brompton but it is much more cheaper than Brompton. In this post, you will read a passage entitled “Kreuz: Indonesian-Made Folding Bike” which in English should be “Kreuz: Sepeda Lipat Buatan Indonesia.”
In this post, Englinesian presents a passage for you to learn. Besides, Englinesian also provides English version of the transcript to ease you in understanding the passage. Here it is.
Kreuz: Sepeda Lipat Buatan Indonesia
Kreuz adalah merk sepeda lipat lokal yang bentuknya sangat mirip dengan sepeda lipat Brompton asal Inggris. Meskipun terlihat sangat mirip, Kreuz mengklaim bahwa sepeda lipatnya tetap berbeda dengan Brompton. Perbedaan tersebut terlihat dari bentuk garpu depan yang disesuaikan dengan kontur jalan di Indonesia yang kurang rata.
Kreuz dirakit di Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Munculnya sepeda lipat Kreuz berawal dari populernya sepeda lipat Brompton. Sepeda lipat sendiri menjadi trend di masyarakat setelah pemerintah pusat melonggarkan kebijakan pembatasan sosial akibat pandemi Covid-19.
Dalam “Indonesia Cycling Festival” tahun 2018 lalu, Kreuz membuat prototipe sepeda lipatnya sendiri. Seiring berjalannya waktu, banyak pesepeda yang mengapresiasi kualitas dari sepeda lipat buatan Kreuz. Populernya sepeda lipat Kreuz bahkan membuat presiden Joko Widodo memesannya. Karena permintaan pasar tidak sebanding dengan kemampuan produksi, pemesan harus menunggu hingga 2 tahun kedepan untuk mendapatkan unit sepeda lipat Kreuz.
Larisnya sepeda buatan Indonesia diharapkan dapat sedikit membantu perekonomian Indonesia yang diprediksi akan mengalami resesi ekonomi akibat pandemi Covid-19.
English Version: Kreuz: Indonesian-made folding bike
Kreuz is a local folding bicycle brand that looks very similar to the British Brompton folding bike. Even though it looks very similar, Kreuz claims that the folding bike is still different from Brompton. This difference can be seen from the shape of the front forks which are adjusted to the uneven contours of the roads in Indonesia.
Kreuzz is assembled in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The existence of Kreuz folding bike stems from the popularity of Brompton folding bike. Folding bike itself became a trend in Indonesia after central government of Republik Indonesia relaxed its social restriction policies due to Covid-19 pandemic.
In the 2018 “Indonesia Cycling Festival”, Kreuz made his own folding bicycle prototype. Over time, many cyclists have appreciated the quality of the folding bikes made by Kreuz. The popularity of the Kreuz folding bicycle has even led President Joko Widodo to order it. Because market demand is not comparable to production capacity, the customer has to wait for the next 2 years to get a Kreuz folding bicycle unit.