Active Verbs in Bahasa Indonesia

Verb in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) refers to a word that describes a process, action, or state, verb. Look at the table below.
Verb Contoh Example
Makan Saya makan mangga I eat manggo
Baca Saya membaca buku I read book
Nonton Kami menonton televisi We watch television
Main Saya bermain gim I play game
Tulis Dia menulis surat elektronik (surel) He/she writes electronic mail (email)
Mencintai Dia mencintai keluarganya She loves his family
Lari Dia berlari kencang He runs fast
Masak Mereka memasak nasi They cook rice
Siram Petani menyirami tanamannya The farmer waters his plants

Based on examples provided on the table above, it can be inferred that active verb is a verb whose subject acts as the actor. Generally, active verbs usually have prefix me- and ber-. However, actove verbs can also exist without prefixes.
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